Use disturbing the peace even when you don't have the related perk decks equipped. Also added notifications for types of escape (Chopper, or Van) for maps that might matter.

Anytime an ingredient is asked, the correct ingredient will be displayed as a fading message above the chatbox. A beep count was added to remind the user. Press once to save a point, and second press will return you to point of origin. Revived an old script from Pierredjay's warp script. This is based on Hejoro's script, and can be toggled to display or hide. A script that gathers Bain's Dialog script during a heist and saves it in the mission folder. Since B1313's globals are already running, you won't have to worry about the particular codes you want to test out. Test, Test2, and Test3 are blank lua files located in Overkill Mod/scripts/ where you can copy and paste code you want to essentially "test". It's also less noticeable than an infinite ammo script. Returns Ammo based on Probability (set at 60%). A script that gathers Mission interact-able items and elements while In-Game and saves it in the mission folder. Modified to display item count and a minor fix to the Diamond Puzzle script. A toggle that reveals multiple waypoints and items on the map. To enable public XRAY, the option is available in the Content/Help Menu while in-game. A toggle that reveals enemy units on the map. A toggle that changes the length of the chat box between large and default. A toggle that changes the HUD between clean and default for screenshots.

Add/Remove mission items, Spawning Equipment/Vehicle, Infinite Pagers or Doctor Bag or Ammo Bag usage, Masks, Spawn menu, and Carrystacker An extension of the Core menu which has Jail Functions, Map functions, and Sound Functions. The menu changes based on lobby, pre-game and in-game. The main trainer menu that houses most of the scripts. A table of contents that lists the available menus and scripts in lobby or in-game Shows/Hides Menu and/or deactivate scripts (based on Hejoro's trainer toggle)